Sunday, October 25, 2015

WE THE PEOPLE - A Community Project
First day on the street, October 25, 2015
Taking the pulse of America, California style today.
Started on Main Street Beach in Laguna with the "Honk for Bernie" crowd and the Craft Guild.
A little engagement with the people but after three hours, moved to the San Juan Capistrano Train Station.  Decided to keep it simple and stay with Doodle Art and Freedom to Express Yourself, Free to Draw.  Outstanding engagement with kids and adults.

Saturday, October 24, 2015


I am beginning a new Community Art Project

This is an election year and a crucial time in history to redefine our United States of America.
What does America mean to us?  What do we truly value as a society?  What are the issues we feel are important to us?  What do we feel we need to change or improve?  What do we want to keep or restore?  What divides us?  What brings us together?

I am very interested in everyones input, young, old, middle-aged, all ethnicities.  I will be out on the street, at the Community Center in Laguna Beach, the Youth Shelter and new venues with paper and supplies for participants to express in words and pictures the questions I have listed above.

I will be creating an Art Flag from all the contributions.  Additional information about where the finished artwork will be on display will follow in the coming months.Thank you to all who are willing to share their views and talents.